Parent Teacher Network
How parents can make a difference:
Learning begins (and continues) at home:
Parents and families are children’s first teachers and continue to make a difference to children’s learning as they grow older. Information and support can help parents make the most of family activities to help children learn and develop.
Parents and schools as partners:
There are lots of ways in which the school, parents, families and the community can work together to give our young people the best possible education. Schools are most effective when they develop positive relationships with parents and the community they serve.
Giving parents a voice:
The Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 gives parents the right to receive information about their children’s education and to have their views expressed through the Parent Council (our PTN).
More information can also be found on the Parentzone website at:
Our PTN meets termly (dates published in our school calendar) and supports at a number of school events. Elected PTN committee members are listed below:
Chair: Mrs Karen Dunn
Secretary: Vacancy
Treasurer: Mrs Alison Notman
Uniform Bank: Ms Kate Buchanan and Mrs Tor McKay
Ochil House Representative: Mrs Fiona Atkinson
More information (including meeting agendas and minutes) can be accessed from the PTN Website:
Pupil Councils
Our commitment to pupil voice is embodied by our elected Head Boy and Girl and Senior Pupil Team as “Parental and pupil voice are fundamental to maintaining a strong sense of community and to our on-going commitment to improvement for all.” Councils. Pupil Councils meet termly, establish a shared agenda, and fully represent the interests of each tutor group in the school. In the last year alone, the Pupil Council has had an active voice in uniform, school meal provision and rewards activities. Our lead pupil representatives in the school are our Head Boy and Girl.
For 2018/19 they are: Emma Binnie and Layton Wardrope.
"Parental and pupil voice are fundamental to maintaining a strong sense of community and to our on-going commitment to improvement for all."
Effective Communication We are committed to excellent communication with all parents and utilise the following methods to keep parents fully informed:
Availability for phone or meeting contact with relevant PT Pupil Support/ SMT on a daily basis (see appropriate year group links)
Formal Reporting on individual pupils three times per year through: Interim Report; Full Report and Parents’ Evenings;
Parental Calendar published annually
Flourish news brochure three times per year
Regular Parental Letters (posted and in school bags) to keep parents abreast of events
Mobile text updates
Our School Website and Twitter @wallacehighsch as well as through our elected Junior and Senior Pupil