Introduction and Welcome
Welcome to Wallace High School – a modern Scottish comprehensive situated at the heart of historic Stirling. We are a community of just under 1,200 pupils, with our catchment encompassing six main associated Primary schools: Bridge of Allan, Castleview, Cornton, Fallin, Raploch and Riverside. We are immensely proud of our school and our wider community. On a daily basis we seek to promote the following qualities as essential to a vibrant, successful school community where everyone can achieve:
- Attitude: choosing to adopt a positive attitude.
- Effort: always working hard to achieve our potential.
- Values and Relationships: promoting values such as mutual respect and altruism (caring for others above ourselves) in order to foster positive relationships.
- Collective Ethos: the understanding that we are all stronger when we work together to foster a collective enjoyment of our learning day-to-day that, in turn, maximises achievement.
We also work very hard to provide a curriculum that is stimulating, relevant and rewarding for all of our young people as part of the Broad General Education (S1-3) and our Senior Phase (S4-6). Examples of this across the school are plentiful and we are particularly proud of partnerships we have formed to enrich the curriculum. These include, to name but a few key examples:
School of Sport: as a School of Sport our pupils from S1-3 can access an enhanced curriculum through specialist coaching due to our excellent partnerships.
Developing the Young Workforce Partnerships: our pupils and staff work with a range of partners throughout stages to develop enterprise and employability skills and experience a real context to promote enterprising learning.
Sistema Scotland: a number of our pupils work with the Big Noise project, which has seen their dedication to music gain national recognition.
The above provides only a flavour of the experiences that our pupils enjoy. We could cite an array of examples of enrichment from across the school: from our STEM Scientists to our young Shakespeareans, who participate in the annual Shakespeare Festival; from our Maths Challenge medalists to our Modern Languages Open Doors participants; from our artistic fashion designers to our budding debaters and politicians; from our young engineers to our musicians who create such a vibrant orchestra; from our Duke of Edinburgh Award winners to our many students who gain Personal Achievement Awards…the list goes on.
As previously expressed, we are very proud of our school and hope that our brochure provides a sense of the richness of what happens here on a daily basis. Please do not hesitate to call, email or to drop in at any time to discuss any aspect of Wallace High with myself or one of our team.
We are keen to further enrich our partnerships and welcome any feedback. Our motto, Fide Ut Rupe Fundatum, suggests the fundamental importance of ‘building on solid rock, or foundation’. Our belief is that the pupils, parents, staff and partners, the people who comprise our community, provide an excellent collective foundation on which to build.
Scott Pennock, Head Teacher