The Basics
School of Basketball is open to both boys and girls in S1-S3. Sessions are delivered by Mr Cory McCabe.
Number of Periods
Students are withdrawn from 3 curricular classes a week. A mandatory supported study session is in place for all School of Basketball students to catch up on work missed. This takes place during lunchtimes and is supervised by Miss Whillans.
Students are expected to wear the School of Basketball kit that has been provided for them. Students should provide their own trainers
The Course
Fundamentals of Basketball, Individual offence and defence, Team offence and defence, Fitness
Entry Process
Students interested in being part of the School of Basketball must take part in a trial. A baseline level of skilled performance is required but selection also takes into account additional factors. Selection is done by Miss Whillans and Mr McCabe.
What we expect
School of Basketball students are expected to display exemplary conduct across the school, maintain high levels of achievement, attend supported study and play for the school Basketball team.